Stuart and Suzanne Grant Launch Academic Partnership Through Donation at Tulane University

Academic initiative facilitates collaboration between American and Israeli Universities to solve obstacles within the energy industry
At Tulane University, an initiative enabled by Stuart and Suzanne Grant and their $100,000 donation, is allowing faculty and students of Tulane to travel between the United States and Israel to direct and conduct energy research.
Daniel Shantz, Tulane Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering professor and the Energy Chair in Clean Energy Engineering commented, “[the Grants’ donation] is letting us build bridges between institutions, both within the U.S., but also between the U.S. and Israel, in a way that would have simply not been possible without it.
Energy Industry Collaboration
In the spring of 2017, Shantz and Tulane student Imri Frenkel, were able to travel to Israel and meet with academic representatives and government officials. Frenkel, a chemical engineering major, was allowed to participate in a summer internship program in the Segal-Peretz laboratory at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology to focus on the development of ultrafiltration membranes for water purification.
Partnerships from this initiative include American academic institutions such as University of Louisiana at Lafayette, the University of Washington, Texas A&M University, Louisiana State University and Argonne National laboratory. Partners abroad in Israel include the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Geological Survey of Israel.
The four primary pillars of the initiative include hydrocarbon extraction and processing, energy infrastructure and coastal resiliency, water processing treatments, and exploration of alternative energy resources.
The I Could Do Great Things Foundation proudly supports Tulane University and the Stuart and Suzanne Grant Center for the American Jewish Experience, to create new intellectual connections and practicing across disciplinary and subfield boundaries. The Grant Center is founded upon two strategic pillars of a world-class faculty and dynamic programming designed to transform the field of American Jewish Studies.